Take control of your Moku hardware with MATLAB

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MATLAB control

Our MATLAB integration fuses Moku hardware with the computational power of MATLAB. Establish instrument parameters, perform automated data analysis, and generate real-time animations of experimental data, directly from MATLAB.


Rapid integration

We have an easy-to-use API with inline documentation to get you up and running with your Moku hardware in no time. Just type “help moku” for all available instrument commands.


Live Scripts for education

Enhance learning both remotely and in person with MATLAB Live Scripts. The comprehensive script includes lab instructions, plagiarism control, a live interface, and auto-grading. The embedded “help” function helps students troubleshoot issues and address common questions.


Network connectivity

Connect to Moku hardware over the network using MATLAB, enabling you to import data sets directly to MATLAB for further analysis.

Supported hardware platforms

MATLAB integration in available across all Moku hardware platforms







Before you start

Moku hardware supports the following versions of MATLAB:

  • Windows: MATLAB R2013a and later
  • Linux: MATLAB R2013a and later
  • Mac: MATLAB 2014a and later

*Make sure your version of MATLAB is one of those listed above.

Getting started

For Moku:Pro, Moku:Lab, and Moku:Go

For MATLAB 2015+

  1. Download the MATLAB Toolbox.
  2. In MATLAB, open the downloaded “.tlbx” file.
  3. Press “Install.”
  4. Run “help moku” in the MATLAB terminal to confirm the installation.

Download user manual Documentation

For legacy Moku:Lab version 1.9 only

For MATLAB 2015+

  1. Download the MATLAB Toolbox for Moku:Lab version 1.9.
  2. In MATLAB, open the downloaded “.tlbx” file.
  3. Press “Install.”
  4. Run “help moku” in the MATLAB terminal to confirm the installation.
Download user manual

Example scripts

Find example scripts for each Moku:Lab instrument on our MATLAB GitHub page.

See examples