
Access command-line and graphical tools for Moku device discovery, binary file conversion, file transfers, and more.

Getting started

It’s easy to use the mokucli command line utility alongside Moku APIs to discover Moku devices, convert binary file types, transfer files to and from a Moku device, and more.

Moku uses an optimized binary file format to save data at very high sample rates. You can use the mokucli or standalone File Converter to convert .li binary files into one of the following formats:

  • Plain text .CSV (comma-separated values)
  • MATLAB .MAT file (MathWorks®)
  • Python .NPY (NumPy)
  • HDF5

Before getting started, ensure your computer meets the minimum requirements:

  • macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
  • Windows 11, or Windows 10 version 1809 or later; 64-bit only.

Software download


Enable command-line access to functions like discovering Moku devices, uploading and downloading files, and converting files.

Download for Mac   Download for Windows   Download for Linux

GUI file converter

Simply drag and drop files or folders into the app to convert them.

Download for Mac  Download for Windows

Command-line file converter

This is the legacy utility for the conversion of binary file formats. We suggest using the newer mokucli unified utility listed above.

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